
IBIX is proud to announce that Mrs. Caterina Giovannini - Chief Esecutive of IBIX - has been elected to the board of APT (Association for Preservation Technology International), the international organisation that has been promoting restoration and conservation of cultural heritage globally for over 30 years.

Managing Director of IBIX SRL since the year 2000, Caterina Giovannini has been in executive position in Assorestaro's, the Italian Association of Restoration, since 2009, first as President, then as Vice President and currently as Director and Treasurer. The long-standing associative experience will now be put to the service of this new major international project.

"I would like to join the Board of APT to help enhance and foster international partnerships between like minded professionals in Italy and abroad. I would like to help reinforce the cooperation between Italian and APT members as preservation technology specialists and the exchange of information and ideas about preservation technology".

With these words Mrs. Giovannini introduced herself to the Association, declaring the will to bring the world of Italian Conservation closer to the opportunities offered by the international environment, in line with the spirit that has always animated the activities of APT.

Apt's activities have always been an opportunity for the establishment of networks and collaborations at an international level. The association brings together members from over 30 countries all over the world, combining personalities in every field of knowledge: restorers, architects, engineers, entrepreneurs, craftsmen, developers, university professors, historians, landscape architects, students, technicians and other figures directly or indirectly involved in the world of conservation and restoration. The plurality of experiences that converge in the activities of the organization and the heterogeneous origin of the members make Apt's initiatives a fulcrum of innovation and meeting, in the form of plurality and profitable exchange of ideas and knowledge.

The global character of Apt's initiatives, with its renowned publications, conferences, training courses, awards and scholarships, make the Association the world's first and most important conservation network.

Entering the Board of Directors of APT represents an extraordinary acknowledgment for IBIX's ongoing business and for his commitment to the preservation and recovery of cultural heritage in Italy and all over the world. This success, crowning the almost twenty years of work of the company, involved in the restoration of some of the most important monuments at international level, from the Eiffel Tower to the Trevi Fountain, to name just a few of the best known, and that, far from interrupting this constant commitment, it will take this important opportunity to intensify its efforts in the promotion and maintenance of Architectural Heritage, from the small local realities - which our Country has plenty of - to the monuments that symbolize the great metropolises around the world.



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